Monday, February 16, 2015

Lafayette Square

For this excursion, we toured Lafayette Square and some of the surrounding areas. I really enjoyed seeing all of the culture and architecture in this area because it is different from what I see on a daily basis. I loved seeing all of the different styles of houses, including the color schemes. As we were finishing up our tour and walking back to our cars, this house caught my attention, mostly because of the bright colors and French style of the home, and I decided to snap one last picture.

This photo was taken inside of Lafayette Park, looking out towards the surrounding streets lined with beautiful homes. I really love how the gate is included because it adds a lot of character to the photo. You can tell that this gate, along with the homes in the background, have been around for quite some time. My favorite part about this picture is the opening in the gate because it shows how welcoming the area is. This neighborhood is built not only on architecture and culture, but also on kindness and friendship.

As I reached the corner of Lafayette Park, I spotted this tall, white building on the corner of the street. I figured it wasn't someone's home due to the huge awning that lead to the front door. A sign standing next to the building confirmed that this was a funeral home. I love that they chose such a beautiful building to use as a funeral home. One of my favorite parts of this picture is the tree standing over the building and the blue sky showing through the background. It almost looks as if the tree is protecting the funeral home.

After walking around Lafayette Square and Lafayette Park, our class walked a few blocks down to a surrounding area and spotted this church. The church pictured here is the church of St. Henry/Immaculate Conception, or what used to be. Sadly, this beautiful church is no longer in use because it was abandoned many years ago. It is such a shame to see something so beautiful essentially go to waste. I hope that some day this church will be restored and that people will start using it again.

My final picture included in this post was taken as we were walking back from the church. We passed through an area that was in need of some renovation, such as this building. Even though it is need of renovations, such as new windows and steps, it still holds a lot of history and culture. It is amazing to me that each building has its own part of history, but it also upsets me that some of these buildings are falling apart in some ways. As I mentioned in my previous post about the church, I hope that this building can be restored some day. There are actually several renovations happening throughout this area, such as new apartments buildings and business restorations.

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